Optimize Efficiency: Plan Around the AVA Summit

Plan your meetings around AVA and get in touch with us - we will help you!

Get in touch with us ASAP so we can learn more and help you with your needs!

During our last AVA Summit in the United States, we counted at least 34 board meetings, staff retreats, and strategy workshops, with at least 565 people participating. Each of these meetings held during AVA saves organizations an estimated $1,500 in travel expenses per person, not to mention the additional two travel days saved per person. But that's just the tip of the iceberg.

When you factor in the logistical effort, venue expenses, and the time and money spent organizing these meetings separately, the savings and efficiency gains become even more significant. Plus, let's not forget about the environmental impact. By consolidating meetings and reducing travel, organizations can significantly decrease their carbon footprint—a win-win for both your budget and the planet.

But what makes AVA truly amazing is that it provides a rare platform for organizations to maximize the success and longevity of their resources. By leveraging the summit as a hub for collaboration and strategic planning, organizations can amplify their impact while minimizing costs and logistical headaches. It's an opportunity to harness the collective energy and expertise of the animal advocacy community, driving meaningful change while ensuring that every dollar and hour invested yields maximum returns.


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