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Travel Award Scholarship Policy & Procedures

The AVA Summit is highly dependent on generous donors who provide us with funding for travel awards, and we need to provide proof of their spending, collect receipts, and respect our fiscal sponsor’s banking procedures.

Please read the details below to ensure an adequate understanding of how to use this award, reimbursement details, and award limitations and guidelines. If the answer to your question is not below, please contact

What does the travel award cover for both domestic and international awardees?
The award covers travel (airplane, train, bus, Uber, Lyft, public transportation) and hotel accommodation for the dates of the AVA Summit/AFAD event. Transport to and from the airport or train station is covered. 

What additional expenses are covered for international awardees?
For international awardees, the award also covers visa fees and travel insurance.

Can I stay at a hotel or AirBnb of my choosing?
You may book a different hotel with the travel award, but we recommend staying at the event venue for the best conference and networking experience. 

Will AVA book my flights and hotels?
No,  you must book your own flights and hotels with the support of the travel award.

Can AVA apply for my visa?
We can provide invitation letters to travel awardees, but we’re unable to help with visa applications.

How and when do I receive the travel award?
Use the banking form to inform us of your bank details. The award will be split into two transfers: the first half before the event and the second half after the conference upon submitting an expense report. 

Please be patient, we are processing a high volume of transactions. We request you to not follow up about the payment status unless it has been 30 days since your submission or you have exceptional circumstances.

What receipts are required for reimbursement?
Receipts for flight and hotel expenses that equal or surpass the scholarship amount must be provided. The award will cover only the amount you were granted.

What if my travel expenses are more or less than the award amount?
We will cover up to the total amount of your Travel Award. If your expenses are less than the award, we will reimburse only the amount you have used.

Can I split hotel costs with others?
Yes, but you are responsible for managing reimbursements among yourselves if you share expenses with others. Please add a detailed note explaining your situation in your expense report.

Are meals covered by the Travel Award?
No, meals and snacks are not covered, though most meals are included with your event ticket.

What if I need to arrive early or leave a few days after the conference?
You are free to plan your itinerary as you see fit keeping in mind that we will only cover expenses up to the maximum travel award amount. Hotel costs will be covered only for the days of the event but international awardees may arrive 1-2 days early if needed. 

Can I take a stopover on my flight route? Can I arrive at or leave from a different city than the conference?
We do not have any restrictions for flight dates, cities, or routes. You are free to plan your itinerary as you see fit keeping in mind that we will only cover expenses up to the maximum travel award amount. 

How do I register for the event as an awardee?
A free event ticket to the summit is included in your travel award and will be emailed to you. Do not purchase your own conference ticket if you are a travel awardee. 

How do I get reimbursed for my travel expenses?
After the event, we will email you with detailed instructions to submit an expense report and receipts. 

What are the requirements for receipts?
A valid receipt must include:
Your name
Date of payment
Vendor name
Proof of payment, including the last 4 digits of the card used.

What expenses are not covered by the Travel Award?
We do not cover food or travel expenses to off-program events like afterparties.

How long does it take to receive reimbursement after the event?
Please allow up to 30 business days for reimbursement after submitting your expense report.

What if I paid by bank transfer, cash, or phone transfer?
If you paid with a bank transfer, cash, or phone transfer, please add a detailed note to your expense report.

Will AVA reimburse me for bank fees while receiving the award?
For international transfers, there may be bank fees on both ends, which can be unpredictable until the transfer is complete. We cover the fees on our end, however, we cannot cover transaction fees incurred on the receiver's end or losses due to currency exchange fluctuations.


It is a requirement in my country to get a vaccination/COVID test before travelling to the country where the conference is hosted. Can AVA reimburse me?
Yes. Please include the receipt and add a detailed note in your expense report.

What if I receive the award but could not attend the conference? 
You will need to return the funds to us. Please reach out to us for payment instructions. We will make exceptions for serious catastrophic events like floods, earthquakes, fires, wars, etc. Please reach out to us if this is your situation.


What if I do not use the full amount that AVA sent me?
You will need to return the unused funds to us. Please reach out to us for payment instructions. 

Where do I go for questions?
Email with any questions or to begin the reimbursement process.

Please be patient, we are processing a high volume of emails. We request you to not follow up about the payment status unless it has been 30 business days since your submission or you have exceptional circumstances.

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